Bulletin Board Requirements

The appropriate posters are to be posted by the prime contractor. The posters MUST be displayed on a weatherproof bulletin board in a conspicuous and accessible location to the employees who are working at the construction project site. In addition, each subcontractor whose subcontract is $10,000 or more is required to post the EEO #7 poster. The appropriate posters are provided to the prime contractors at the SDDOT's pre-construction meetings. Most of the posters are available in English and in Spanish. If additional or replacement posters are needed for a bulletin board, please contact the DOT Project Engineer whose name and phone number are listed in the SDDOT's pre-construction minutes that are provided to each prime contractor. Below are the bulletin board poster requirements for the various types of South Dakota Department of Transportation's (SDDOT's) highway construction or repair projects:

Non-Federal-funded construction contracts awarded for $100,000 or more:

* 1420 poster is not commonly required to be posted on project site bulletin boards. If a company employs more than 50 employees and 50 or more employees of this company are working within 75 miles of the project site, this poster is required to be posted. If your company meets this requirement, please print and post the WH-1420 poster on the project bulletin board.