About Environmental

Webinar Information

The Environmental presentation discussion topics include the DOT-272 (Contractor Submittal Checklist) & DOT-271 (Pre-Con Outline) with a focus on Topeka Shiner work plans and SWPPP Implementation, Contractor Option Site Section 106 clearance, General Permit for Construction Activities updates, tribal monitors, and Environmental Commitments.

If you missed the webinar we have provided the recording below for your viewing:

VIEW THE WEBINAR HERE Passcode: %?wbgY9^

Environmental Procedures Manual →
ATLAS environmental work tracking software →

The Environmental Office is responsible for the following:

  • Prepares environmental documents including Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, Categorical Exclusions, 4(f) assessments, wetland findings and storm water permits. These documents assess the impacts of SD Department of Transportation (SDDOT) projects on adjacent properties. Impacts include air, water, noise, economics, and historical and archaeological items. Parks, wetlands, game production areas or other public use facility located along a project may require 4(f) assessments, 6(f) assessments or wetland findings.
  • Facilitates the timely letting of construction projects by obtaining a consensus among DOT and other State and Federal resource agencies concerning the development of highway construction projects with a responsible concern for the environment. The resource agencies include, but are not limited to, the SD Departments of Game, Fish & Parks, Environment & Natural Resources, the State Historical Preservation Office and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Prepares contracts for historical, archaeological and paleontological excavations.
  • Negotiates and prepares memorandums of agreement with resource agencies such as the State Historical Society and the USFS.
  • Public Involvement: Advertises public hearings according to federal regulations. This involves meeting the legal requirements for advertising in newspapers and notifying affected landowners, as well as state, local and federal entities and other concerned citizens.
  • Performs noise studies, as needed. Noise measurements are taken on site and noise level predictions are performed using FHWA's Traffic Noise Model software.
  • Prepares work orders to facilitate the timely cleanup of hazardous waste/petroleum contaminated soils located along DOT projects and on DOT property. Cleanup activities are coordinated with appropriate DOT region and area personnel, environmental consultants, SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Petroleum Release Compensation Fund, along with the Environmental Protection Agency, and city or county governments.


Chad Babcock
Environmental Manager