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A Message from the Secretary

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) has always prided itself on being customer-driven.
In fact, one of our core values in our strategic plan is to provide Transparent Public Service -
including providing unprecedented access to information and decision-making processes.

Information is not only important to you, our customers, but it is also a key component of SDDOT
as we strive to be efficient and effective in using the taxpayer's funds for maintaining and enhancing
the state’s transportation system. To maximize your investment, we gather and analyze an immense 
amount of data. For example, bridge and pavement condition data determines which construction and
maintenance projects are scheduled in the annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.
Our snowplows and other equipment are managed to ensure they’re operational during winter-weather events and emergencies, and older equipment is replaced as it becomes less reliable and more expensive to maintain. Finally, we regularly get feedback from you on what your priorities are for spending state and federal transportation revenues. This feedback comes to us through customer satisfaction surveys.

Data also provides reliable information to us as we track our performance and helps forecast where enhancements need to occur to improve our transportation system in South Dakota: growth in passenger and truck traffic, increasing crop yields that make low-cost rail transportation even more vital, and decreases in crashes, injuries, and deaths following safety treatments on our highways with the use of rumble stripe, shoulder-widening, and high-friction surface projects throughout the state.

We hope this fact book provides you with valuable information on SDDOT and the data we use on a daily basis to make informed decisions for investing in the many modes of transportation in South Dakota. If you would like more information, please contact dotgeneralinfo@state.sd.us.


Joel Jundt
Secretary of Transportation

SDDOT Phone Numbers 

Aberdeen Region (605) 626-2244
Aberdeen Area Office (605) 626-7885
Huron Area Office (605) 353-7140
Watertown Area (605) 882-5166

Mitchell Region (605) 995-8129
Sioux Falls Area (605) 367-5680
Mitchell Area (605) 995-8120
Yankton Area (605) 668-2929

Pierre Region (605) 773-3464
Central Office Pierre (605) 773-3265
Pierre Area (605) 773-5294
Mobridge Area (605) 845-3844
Winner Area (605) 842-0810

Rapid City Region (605) 394-2244
Rapid City Area (605) 394-2248
Belle Fourche Area (605) 892-2872
Custer Area (605) 673-4948


Road Conditions SD511

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