
Transportation is 14% of FY 2022 State Budget

*Total state budget includes state general funds, federal funds and other funds.

Source: Division of Finance and Management, April 2022. Figures are legislatively appropriated

Federal, State Funds in FY 22 SDDOT Budget

Source: Division of Finance and Management, April 2022. Figures are legislatively appropriated

Highway Construction Costing More!

Due to inflation, construction costs have more than doubled 
from 2005 to 2022. Using the SDDOT Construction Cost Index, 
what cost $1.00 in 2005 is now $2.15 in 2022.*

Even though both Federal and State funds have increased,
the SDDOT can buy 11% less in 2022 than in 2005 because
of construction inflation.**

*Based on the SDDOT Construction Cost Index
**Based on the SDDOT Construction Cost Index and State and Apportioned Federal Funding. Unknown Federal Grants and August Redistribution are not included. 

Source: Division of Finance and Management.

FY 2021 State Highway Fund Revenue Sources

Source: Division of Finance and Management, actual revenue received.

S.D. Average Annual Federal Formula Funds


TEA-21, Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
SAFETEA-LU, Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
MAP-21, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
FAST, Fix Our Surface Transportation Act
BIL, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Source: Office of Project Development. All amounts are based on validated apportioned funding,
except for 2023-2026, which is based on BIL estimates.

Per-Mile Costs of Road Improvements

Source: Office of Project Development, 2021 data.

State Motor Fuel Tax Revenue

Source: Division of Finance and Management.

State Motor Vehicle 4% Excise Tax Revenue


Source: Division of Finance and Management.

Motor Fuel Taxes & Fees in Neighboring States

Source: State Excise tax rates and Federal come from the Federation of Tax Administrators January
2022. US Average comes from API (American Petroleum Institute).

South Dakota's unleaded and diesel excise tax is at 28 CPG, with ethanol taxed at 14 CPG. A 2 CPG fee is also assessed for tank inspection.

Selected Gas Tax Statistics

Source: Division of Finance and Management.

Per-Mile Costs of Winter Maintenance, FY 21

Source: Offices of Internal Services and Operations Support.

Winter Material and Total Maintenance Costs

Source: Offices of Internal Services and Operations Support.

Roadside Maintenance Costs in FY 21


Includes mowing, maintenance project engineering, project materials, shoulder repairs, work on signs,
drainage, striping, rest area upkeep, erosion control structures, and administrative costs for the
Region and Area offices.

Pavement, Bridge Maintenance Costs in FY 21

Pavement and bridge maintenance includes pothole patching and crack treating of asphalt concrete,
isolated portland cement concrete surface repairs, bridge maintenance engineering, bridge hit
assessments, regular bridge inspections, concrete bridge surface repairs, bridge structural repairs and
bridge engineering data collection.

Interstate Maintenance Totals $8,987/Mile/Year

On Other State Highways, It's $5,810/Mile/Year

The State Highway Fund pays for mowing grass, plowing, filling potholes, and other routine
maintenance. Federal funding cannot be used for these purposes.