News Stories

DOT report: Last winter cost $40.9 million - Keloland - 10/23/2023

October 23, 2023
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — The winter of 2022-23 will be remembered for being long and expensive. According to the South Dakota Department of Transportation, the winter of 2022-23 cost more than $40 million – double the amount of money typically budgeted for the department’s winter maintenance plan. The state’s Transportation Commission will consider approving the 52-page 2023-24 winter maintenance plan on Wednesday.Read the full story here

Rail board considers Sioux Falls overpass, Napa rebuild - Keloland 11/10/2023

October 11, 2023
PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — The South Dakota Railroad Board listened to sales pitches Tuesday from project sponsors competing for grants from a federal program. The board has $58.9 million available in what are called Special Transportation Circumstances grants, which the Federal Railroad Administration provides to states such as South Dakota that don’t have regular passenger-train service. Read the full story here

Contractor builds remote concrete plant to speed up I-90 reconstruction - Keloland - 08/29/23

August 30, 2023
Read or watch the story here

Two Projects in South Dakota Win Regional America’s Transportation Awards - 07/31/2023

August 01, 2023
WESTERN BUILDER - Two South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) projects won regional awards in the 2023 America’s Transportation Awards competition, created by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), AAA, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The competition recognizes state departments of transportation (DOTs) for making a difference in their community, with each project falling into one of three categories: Quality of Life/Community Development, Op...

Eastbound Lanes on I-90 Near Sturgis to Open for Rally Traffic - 07/26/2023

July 27, 2023
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Interstate 90 near Sturgis is still under construction, but the eastbound lanes are expected to be open for the upcoming rally traffic. This stretch of I-90 has been under construction all summer forcing cars into two-way traffic. But with the rally approaching workers are pushing to make sure both sides of the interstate are open. “We’ve had over 40 days that have been impacted by the weather on that project, however, the contractor and our personnel have done very wel...