2020 Sturgis Rally Vehicle Counts – Through Day 4

For Immediate Release: Monday, August 10, 2020
Contact: Kristi Sandal, Public Information Officer, 605-773-7179 

STURGIS, S.D. – Vehicle traffic counts from the South Dakota Department of Transportation for vehicles entering Sturgis for the 80h annual Sturgis motorcycle rally Aug. 7-16, 2020, are available and will be updated daily. 

Traffic counts at nine locations entering Sturgis for the 2020 Rally are as follows: 

Friday, August 7:        49,835 entering – down 4.3% from Friday last year
Saturday, August 8:    54,804 entering – down 8.0% from Saturday last year
Sunday, August 9:      56,149 entering – up 1.1% from Sunday last year
Monday August 10:     56,972 entering – down 6.8% from Monday last year 

4-Day total: 

2020:  217,778    2019:  228,348   down 4.6% from last year 

Once compiled, a full report will be available on the SDDOT website at https://dot.sd.gov/transportation/highways/trafficthe week of Aug. 24.

