For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Contact: John Rittershaus, 605-688-5001 john.rittershaus@state.sd.us
BROOKINGS, S.D. – The Highway 14 (6th Street) construction project from Main Avenue to Medary Avenue in Brookings is scheduled to start Monday, May 4, 2020.
6th Street will be closed to traffic from Main Avenue to Medary Avenue. Through traffic and over-width traffic will be detoured on I-29 and the Highway 14 Bypass. Local traffic will be detoured onto 8th Street from Medary Avenue to Main Avenue. Please allow extra time for travel if using these routes.
Also included in this project will be the installation of a span wire traffic signal and turn lane at the intersection of the Highway 14 Bypass and 22nd Avenue. Traffic will be maintained at this location by use of flaggers, lane closures and shoulder closures.
The planned improvements for 6th Street are:
- New concrete surfacing – 8.5-inch concrete, curb & gutter, storm sewer, sidewalk, traffic signals, and roadway lighting
- The new roadway section will have five, 11-foot lanes.
- Five-foot sidewalk will be provided along the south side and an eight-foot shared use path will be provided on the north side of the roadway.
- A tied utility project with the City of Brookings will replace current water and sanitary sewer lines within the project limits.
- The total cost of the project is $5.74 million of which $4.76 million is the State project and $1.01 million is the City project.
Work will be done in two phases with a field work completion date of Sept. 20, 2020.
Public construction information meetings will not be held at this time. Until then, please email john.rittershaus@state.sd.us with any questions or concerns.
Information on the project is available on our website at: https://dot.sd.gov/projects-studies/construction-projects/us-highway-14-6th-street-brookings and will be updated as construction progresses.
For complete road construction information, visit https://www.safetravelusa.com/sd/ or dial 511.
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