Press Releases

Construction to Begin on Interstate 90 Exit 396 Ramp to Southbound Interstate 29

May 13, 2021
Starting Tuesday, May 18, the South Dakota Department of Transportation says crews will begin high friction surface treatment work on Interstate 90 Exit 396 ramp to southbound Interstate 29. The high friction surface treatment work will take three nights to complete.

SDDOT Seeks Public Input for Proposed Project to Reconstruct S.D. Highway 25 from U.S. Highway 212 to the Clark/Day County Line

May 05, 2021
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is holding a virtual public meeting until Wednesday, May 26, 2021, to inform and obtain comments from area residents on the proposed project to reconstruct S.D. Highway 25 from U.S. Highway 212 to the Clark and Day county line.

Lane Closures Planned for Interstate 229 in Sioux Falls

May 04, 2021
On behalf of Action Electric and the city of Sioux Falls, SDDOT is providing the following updates for Sioux Falls residents. Crews plan to complete light maintenance work on the barrier wall along Interstate 229 in Sioux Falls this week.

South Dakota Department of Transportation and City of Watertown Seek Public Input into Watertown Master Transportation Plan Study

May 03, 2021
The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in conjunction with the City of Watertown, will hold an online public meeting to present information on the Watertown Area Master Transportation Plan.

Local Bridge Replacement and Removal Project Recipients Announced

April 30, 2021
he South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded 31 local bridge replacement projects totaling approximately $20 million at their meeting in Pierre on Thursday, April 29.