Additional Lane Closures on Highway 212

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, October 3, 2019
Contact:  Jeff Brink, 605-882-5166 

 WATERTOWN, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says the contractor will be closing Highway 212, one-half at a time, starting Monday, Oct. 7, from the Highway 15 south junction west for one mile. 

Traffic will be controlled with flaggers and a pilot car until Oct. 26, depending on weather. 

This closure is needed for the contractor to complete the milling and concrete overlay on the Highway 212 project that includes milling, concrete overlay, piper work, structure replacement and approach grading. 

The prime contractor on this $13.8 million project is Knife River Construction, LLC. 

The overall completion date is scheduled for early November 2019. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511. 


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