Asphalt overlay on Highway 1804

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, August 6, 2020
Contact: John Villbrandt, Mobridge Area Engineer 605-845-3844


GETTYSBURG, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says construction work will begin on Highway 1804 on Monday, Aug. 10.

The contractor will be milling the existing surface and placing an asphalt overlay from four miles north of Highway 212 to eleven miles south of Highway 212 (West Whitlock Road to Agar Road) starting Monday, Aug. 10.

Traffic will be guided through the project with flaggers and a pilot car. Motorists can expect a delay of 15 minutes.

Motorists are asked to slow down through the work zone and be prepared for reduced speeds, suddenly slowing and stopped traffic, as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the roadway.

The prime contractor on this $3.7 million project is Anderson Western, Inc. from Bismarck, North Dakota.

Completion of the construction work is expected in late August. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511. 
