For Immediate Release:  Thursday, August 27, 2020
Contact: Rod Gall, Greg Rothschadl, or Nathan Schulte,(605)668-2929


NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says asphalt concrete resurfacing of the inside shoulders of the north and southbound lanes of Interstate 29 from the Iowa line north to mile marker 5.0 will begin on Monday, Aug. 31. 

An asphalt concrete overlay will be also be placed on the ramps at Exits 2 and 4. Durable pavement markings will be placed once paving is complete. 

Lane closures will be set up on I-29 and exit ramps will be paved one-half width at a time so traffic can be maintained. 

Motorists can expect reduced speeds and are asked to be aware of suddenly slowing and merging traffic, as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane. 

The completion date for this project is Oct. 23, 2020. 

Knife River Midwest, LLC from Sioux City, Iowa, is the prime contractor on this $1.3 million project. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.


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