Bridge Deck Sealing in the Sioux Falls Area

For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 1, 2020
Contact: Greg Aalberg, Engineering Supervisor, 605-367-5680


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says bridge deck sealing will take place at the following locations starting Monday, Oct. 5. 

  • I-29, Exit 1 Dakota Dunes Blvd.
  • Highway 50 in Vermillion
  • Highway 18, Exit 62
  • I-229, Exit 7 Rice Street
  • I-229 over the Big Sioux River at mile marker 7.5
  • Highway 48 over the Big Sioux River. 

Traffic will be maintained through each location using lane closures. Each location is expected to take one to two days to complete. 

CLC Metro, LLC is the prime contractor on this $78,677 project and has an April 1, 2021 overall completion date. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.



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