Center Turn Lane Paving Begins on U.S. Highway 212 Project in Watertown

For Immediate Release: Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022

Contact: Bryce R. Olson PE, Engineer IV, 605-882-5166

WATERTOWN, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says that J&J Earthworks Inc. will begin placing center turn lane on U.S. Highway 212 between 14th and 19th Street East on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022. Center turn lane pavement will be placed in sections to 11th Street East.

Westbound traffic will be temporarily routed in a single lane to the north side of Highway 212 so center turn lane pavement can be completed safely and with limited delay to the traveling public. Left turns will be restricted during center turn lane work. Westbound traffic will be restored to the southside lanes after center lane work is completed.

Mainline slipform paving work between 11th and 19th Street East has been completed and work will focus on center turn lanes as well as remaining intersecting street and approach tie ins.

The $12.7 million project (including city utility projects) reconstructed approximately one mile of Highway 212 from U.S. Highway 81 through 19th Street East; including utility work, grading, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, PCC pavement, lighting, and signal upgrades.

Thru truck traffic is being advised to continue using the signed truck route along the south connector route due to anticipated traffic volumes and narrowed lanes.

The overall completion date for the project was originally set for Oct. 28, 2022. At this time, it is anticipated work will be completed in mid-November.

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