Concrete Pavement Repair Work Begins on S.D. Highway 115 Between Dell Rapids and Sioux Falls

For Immediate Release:  Monday, Nov. 29, 2021

Contact:  Greg Aalberg, Engineering Supervisor, 605-367-5680

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says work is scheduled to begin on S.D. Highway 115 south of Dell Rapids. The project consists of concrete pavement repair between Dell Rapids and Sioux Falls. Work will include sawing and removing broken concrete and replacing it.

Traffic control with stop signs will be set up and motorists will need to take turns advancing through the work site. The traffic control will be set the afternoon of Monday, Nov. 29, near 249th Street. Contractors plan to work at various locations throughout the week; including 250th Street (Baltic corner), 253rd Street, and near the Northern Links Golf Course. The work is scheduled to be completed by Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021.

Motorists should be prepared for traffic delays and stopped traffic in active work zone locations. Drivers are asked to be aware of construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane, and to slow down through the work zone.

BX Civil & Construction, Inc. of Dell Rapids is the prime contractor for this project. The overall completion date for the project is July 1, 2022, but the contractor intends to have the work completed in December 2021.

For more information about the S.D. Highway 115 project, contact Harvey Odens at 605-367-5680 or

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.

