For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Contact: Matt “Rip” Rippentrop, 605-673-9016


HOT SPRINGS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says work on Highway 18 in Hot Springs will begin on Friday, May 8.

 The contractor will be repairing the surface of one mile of Highway 18 in Hot Springs from the intersection of University Avenue and Chicago Street west to the intersection of University Avenue and Highway 18. 

Work is expected to be completed by Friday, June 5, depending on weather. 

Motorists are asked to be aware of lane closures with flaggers to guide traffic, a twelve-foot width restriction, suddenly slowing and merging traffic, changing work zone locations, reduced speeds through the work zone, and construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane. 

The prime contractor for this Black Hills Region wide $1.9 million project is Complete Concrete, Inc. of Rapid City. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511. 

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