For Immediate Release: Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Contact: Matt “Rip” Rippentrop, 605-673-9016
PINE RIDGE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says a box culvert replacement project on Highway 18 two miles north of Pine Ridge will begin Monday, June 8.
The contractor will begin by building a two-lane temporary traffic diversion in order to install the first half of the new box culvert. This work will take about two weeks.
Motorists can expect flaggers to guide traffic and should be prepared for suddenly slowing and merging traffic, and construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane.
On Monday, June 22, depending on weather, traffic will be placed on the temporary diversion that will have an 11-foot width restriction. The speed limit in the work zone will be reduced from 65 mph to 45 mph with a step-down to 25 mph while temporary traffic control is in place. The speed limit through the work zone will be strictly enforced.
Work on the first half of the box culvert is expected to be complete in mid-July. The contractor will then switch the traffic diversion to the other side while work is done to install the second half of the box culvert. The width restriction and reduced speed limit will remain in place.
The surfacing part of the project is expected to begin in early September.
The project has an overall completion date of Oct. 30, 2020.
The prime contractor on this $1.5 Million project is Mainline Contracting from Rapid City.
For complete road construction information, visit or call 5-1-1.
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