Construction to begin on S.D. Highway 19 through Parker

For Immediate Release:  Monday, March 22, 2021

Contact:  Corey McClelland, Project Engineer, 605-940-1879

 SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says crews will begin work on S.D. Highway 19 from S.D. Highway 42 to the 277th Street intersection on Monday, April 5, 2021.

 Traffic on Highway 19 will be directed through the project with lane closures to a single lane for each direction at several bridge locations and throughout the mainline during the resurfacing process.

 Portable traffic control signals will be used on both bridges north of Parker. Motorists should be prepared for delays with an anticipated signal wait time up to 10 minutes. During the project, access will be maintained for Parker residents and businesses. Drivers are asked to be aware of construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lane, and to slow down through the work zone.

The $4.3 million project consists of cold milling, asphalt resurfacing, additional left turn lanes, intersection improvements, culvert work, end block modifications, bridge end backfill, approach slabs, pavement marking, and guardrail.

Commercial Asphalt of Mitchell, S.D. is the prime contractor for this project. The overall completion date for the project is November 2021.

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