Construction to Begin on U.S. Highway 81 North of Yankton

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023

Greg Rothschadl, Kevin Heiman, or Sam Caba at 605-668-2929

YANKTON, S.D. – Work is scheduled to begin on U.S. Highway 81 between 302nd Street and 306th Street to extend the four-lane divided roadway north of Yankton. The overall project includes transitioning the current two-lane highway into a four-lane divided highway by means of grading, construction of two new bridges, a box culvert, and interim surfacing. Flaggers will be used to guide traffic through the active work zone. Motorists should expect delays during these times.

The bridge work is set to begin Monday, Nov. 6, 2023. Grading and surfacing is scheduled for spring 2024. The contractor for this $16.7 million project is Loiseau Construction Inc. of Flandreau, SD. The overall completion date for the project is November 2024.

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