Culvert Work Scheduled for S.D. Highway 15 through Wilmot

For Immediate Release: 

Friday, July 1, 2022

Contact:  Dan Sitter, 605-882-5166


WATERTOWN, S.D.- The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says that culvert work will begin the first full week of July on S.D. Highway 15 through Wilmot from the Grant/Roberts County line to old Highway 81.

Work on the project will include cold milling asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete resurfacing, and culvert repair/replacement. All culvert work will be done off the shoulder except for three cross pipes to be replaced. The road will be closed at Bullhead Lake to thru traffic for the replacement of two cross pipes. The third cross pipe will be done one half at a time with the road open to thru traffic. During working hours, traffic will be carried through the work zones with flaggers and a pilot car. Motorists can expect up to 15-minute delays during these times.

Milling and Paving will start mid-September and be completed this year. Duininck Inc. is the primary contractor for this construction project.

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