Emergency Repairs Scheduled for Median Crossover on I-29 Construction Project in Brookings

For Immediate Release:  Friday, July 8, 2022

Contact:  Waylon Blasius, Project Manager, 605-692-6342 


BROOKINGS, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says that emergency repairs to the median crossover within the construction zone on Interstate 29 are scheduled for Friday, July 8, 2022, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.


Southbound traffic will be detoured off I-29 at exit 132. The detour route will direct traffic east approximately one-half mile to 34th Avenue. Traffic will then turn south and travel approximately five miles to S.D. Highway 324, where traffic will be directed west for approximately one-half mile to re-enter I-29 using the on-ramp at exit 127.


Southbound traffic will be required to follow posted speed limits on the detour route. The repairs are anticipated to be completed within the business day.


Northbound traffic will remain on I-29 for the duration of the emergency repairs. Speed reduction and width restrictions continue for northbound traffic on I-29 within the construction zone.


The prime contractor for the $15.3 million project is Bowes Construction, Inc. of Brookings. Construction of the bridge structure and all grading operations are scheduled to be completed in 2022, with the surfacing and final project completion scheduled for July 14, 2023.


For further information about the construction project, please go to the SDDOT website at https://dot.sd.gov/brookings-pcn-020v.


About SDDOT:

The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

 For the latest on road and weather conditions, road closures, construction work zones, commercial vehicle restrictions, and traffic incidents, please visit https://sd511.org or dial 511.

Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov.


