For Immediate Release: Friday, December 6, 2019
Contact: Kristi Sandal, Public Information Officer, 605.773.7179


LAKE ANDES, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation has reopened Highway 18 east of Lake Andes. 

This section of highway was closed for several months over the spring and summer due to flooding. The department was able to successfully raise the grade and open it to traffic for a brief period of time before unprecedented rain this Fall flooded the roadway once again. 

A contractor has completed installing guardrail on both sides of the roadway. This was a needed safety measure due to the water still being right up to the shoulder and upwards of ten-feet deep along this section. 

Motorists are advised to drive through the area with caution, especially during inclement weather. Continued high water levels along the road will create a higher incidence of ice on this section during the winter months. 

The department will continue to monitor water levels and plan to place additional dirt embankment on the in-slopes, extend drainage culverts and connect local roads likely in 2020, depending on water levels. 
