Highway 79 Slide and Erosion Repairs

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Contact: Joel Flesner, 605-892-2872 

BELLE FOURCHE, S.D. – Beginning the week of Sept. 29, crews will begin slide and erosion repairs at the following locations on Highway 79: 

  • Mile marker 138 - five miles north of Newell
  • Mile marker 141 – eight miles north of Newell
  • Mile marker 160 – 27 miles north of Newell 

Traffic on Highway 79 will be reduced to one lane and controlled with traffic signals or stop signs at the repair sites. Motorists can expect up to five-minute delays. 

The prime contractor on this $378,000 project is North Star Construction, Inc. from Spearfish. 

The overall completion date for the project is Nov. 22, 2019.  

For complete road construction information, visit www.safetravelusa.com/sd or dial 511.

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