Interstate 90 Reopening From Rapid City to Wyoming Border Wed., Oct. 13 at 2 p.m. (MT)

For Immediate Release: 
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021

Todd Seaman, Rapid City Region Engineer, 605-394-2248

RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says officials will reopen eastbound and westbound Interstate 90 today (Wednesday) from Rapid City to the Wyoming state line beginning at 2 p.m. (MT).

Motorists are cautioned to remember winter driving conditions still exist. Crews continue to plow and apply chemical.

For the latest on road and weather conditions, please visit or dial 511.

If traveling today, the Departments of Transportation and Public Safety recommend motorists also take the following steps.

  • Travel during the day
  • Wear your seatbelt
  • Drive with your headlights on (not daytime running lights) so you can be seen by other motorists from the front and rear
  • Don’t use cruise control on icy or snow-covered roads
  • Use highly traveled roads and highways
  • Keep family and friends informed of your travel schedule and route
  • Keep a winter weather survival kit in your car. The kit should include blankets, warm clothing, water, energy bars, a flashlight, a distress flag, a shovel and matches
  • Travel with a charged cell phone, but don’t rely on it to get you out of a bad situation


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