Local Government Bridge Project Recipients Announced for Federal Bridge Program

For Immediate Release:  Monday, Aug. 29, 2022

Contact:  Doug Kinniburgh, 605-773-4284


PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded funding for 12 local bridge projects through the federal bridge program totaling approximately $6.8 million at the Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022, meeting in Pierre. This federal bridge program was established by Congress to provide funding for highway bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, protection, and construction projects on public roads. Funding is distributed by a statutory formula based on the relative costs of replacing all highway bridges classified in poor condition in a state and the relative costs of rehabilitating all highway bridges classified in fair condition in a state.

“The action by the Transportation Commission reinforces the need for an interconnected transportation system and we are thankful for these federal dollars that will go toward improving the overall condition of bridges within the state,” said Mike Behm, SDDOT Director of Planning and Engineering. “These awards are a significant portion of nearly $40 million planned for local government bridge projects this year.”                                                                                                    

Six applications for permanent bridge removals were received and were approved to be added to the 2023-2026 Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. The six recipients for bridge removal projects are: Bon Homme County (2), Hand County (2), McCook County (1), and Meade County (1).

Ninety-three applications totaling $72.3 million in total costs were received by the South Dakota Department of Transportation for bridge replacement projects. Five cities submitted seven applications and 27 counties submitted 86 applications. The six recipients for bridge replacement projects are: Butte County (1), Mellette County (1), city of Hill City (1), Turner County (2), and Spink County (1).

About SDDOT: The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

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Read about the innovative work of the SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov.

