New Signal Installation on Highway 212 at 33rd Street East

For Immediate Release:  Tuesday August 4, 2020
Contact:  Bryce R. Olson, 605-882-5166 


WATERTOWN, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation, says construction will begin on Highway 212 at the intersection of 33rd Street East on Wednesday, Aug. 5. 

A new traffic signal on Highway 212 at the intersection of 33rd Street East is being installed. Increased traffic at the junction has led to the need for a new signal.  

The $294,000 project will include the new traffic signal, modifications to the bike trail, signing, and pavement markings.  Work is expected to be complete in October 2020. 

The overall completion date for the project is set for June 4, 2021. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511. 

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