Railroad Crossing Replacement Scheduled on U.S. Highway 18 North of Tripp

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, June 8, 2023

Greg Rothschadl, Kevin Heiman, or John Huber, 605-668-2929

TRIPP, S.D. – On Monday, June 12, 2023, replacement work is tentatively scheduled to begin on the railroad crossing on U.S. Highway 18 north of Tripp.

The concrete railroad crossing will be completely replaced, and new asphalt will be placed at each approach. The replacement work is anticipated to take two to three days.

 During the replacement project, traffic will be detoured around the work site. The signed detour route for the traveling public includes 411th Avenue west of the railroad tracks, north to 284th Street, and west to S.D. Highway 37.

The project will be completed by BNSF Railroad and the South Dakota Department of Transportation crews.

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