Railroad Crossing Work To Begin in Wall

For Immediate Release:  Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Contact:  Brenda Flottmeyer, 605.394.1638

RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says railroad crossing work will begin in Wall on the Interstate 90 Loop/Hwy 240 near the Wall School on Friday, Oct. 18.   

Work involves upgrading the railroad crossing with flashing signals and drop arms, installing new surfacing across the rails, and paving asphalt tie-ins. This work enhances safety and improves the ride across this railroad crossing. 

On Friday, Oct. 18, the railroad crossing will be closed to traffic and a detour route will be used to guide traffic around the work zone. The crossing is anticipated to open on Saturday, Oct. 19. The remaining work will be phased to allow traffic to cross the railroad. 

The overall completion date of this project is Oct. 25, 2019.  

Simon Contracting of Rapid City is the prime contractor on this $118,000 project. 

For complete road construction information, visit www.safetravelusa.com/sd or dial 511. 

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