SDDOT Seeks Public Input for Proposed Structure Replacement and Sidewalk Projects in Keystone

For Immediate Release: 
Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022

Neil Schochenmaier, Road Design Engineering Supervisor, 605-773-5107
Jay Noem, Project Manager, at 605-673-4948

KEYSTONE, S.D. - The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) will hold an open house public meeting in the Keystone Community Center Gym (1101 Madill St.) from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 3, 2022, to inform area residents of the proposed U.S. Highway 16A structure replacement over Battle Creek in Keystone and the S.D. Highway 40 sidewalk from the intersection with U.S. Highway 16A to 3rd Street. The meeting will also provide information for the ADA curb, ramp, and sidewalk improvement project on S.D. Highway 40 in Keystone beginning at 3rd Street to east of Nelson Avenue.

The open house will be informal allowing one-to-one discussion with SDDOT design staff. A presentation will take place shortly after 5:30 p.m. After the presentation, SDDOT staff will be available with displays to discuss the proposed project and answer questions. All persons interested in this project are invited to attend this meeting to share views and concerns any time between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. During this time, guests will also have the opportunity to present written comments. Information will be available on the acquisition of right-of-way and relocation assistance. This project is being developed in compliance with state and federal environmental regulations.

Immediately following the open house, a brief informational presentation will be given regarding the timing and construction sequence for the S.D. Highway 40 ADA curb, ramp, and sidewalk improvement project. ADA upgrades on S.D. Highway 40 will consist of modifying, reconstructing, or constructing new curb ramps at 22 locations to bring them into compliance with current standards. In most cases minor adjustments may be necessary to approaches and sidewalk to best facilitate the installation of the ADA requirements. New sidewalk will be constructed to accommodate frequently used pedestrian paths. 

If unable to attend the meeting in person, those interested in the proposed project or the ADA improvement project may join the meeting virtually via Facebook Live from the town of Keystone Facebook page. Guests will need to be a member of this page to gain access.

Additional information is available online about the proposed structure replacement and sidewalk project at The presentation and displays shown at the open house will be available online within a few days after the open house meeting. Information about the ADA improvement project is available at:

The website allows for online written comments to be submitted. Written comments will be accepted until Friday, March 18, 2022. Notice is further given to individuals with disabilities that this open house is being held in a physically accessible place.

Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation to participate in the open house should submit a request to the department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf). Please request the accommodations no later than two business days prior to the meeting to ensure accommodations are available. For more information about the structure replacement or planned sidewalk project, contact Neil Schochenmaier, Road Design Engineering Supervisor, at 605-773-5107. For further details about the ADA improvement project, contact Jay Noem, Project Manager, at 605-673-4948.

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