SDDOT Seeks Public Input into U.S. Highway 85 Corridor Planning Study between Spearfish and Deadwood
For Immediate Release: Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Contact: Tammy Williams, SDDOT Special Projects Coordinator, 605-295-7212
DEADWOOD, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with the City of Spearfish, the City of Deadwood, Lawrence County, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will hold a public meeting open house from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at the Homestake Adams Research & Cultural Center (150 Sherman St.) in Deadwood. The purpose of this open house public meeting is to discuss and gather input to help shape the planning-level corridor study being performed for the portion of U.S. Highway 85 from Interstate 90 (exit 17) at Spearfish to U.S. Highway 14A at Deadwood. The purpose of the study is to evaluate existing and future conditions of the corridor and potential improvements related to roadway conditions, traffic operations, and safety.
A presentation will be available for viewing during open house hours, and attendees will have the opportunity to have one-on-one discussions with the study team. The public will also have the opportunity to submit written comment. Written comments will be accepted until Friday, Aug. 18, 2023, and can be submitted either in-person during the meeting or sent to: Mark Lutjeharms, Consultant Project Manager, 2000 Q St. Suite 500, Lincoln, NE 68503 or A comment section is also provided on the study website at
For those who cannot attend the open house or desire additional information on the overall study, information is available on the study website at Meeting materials will be posted to the website on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, for public review prior to the meeting. The study team would appreciate hearing from area commuters, concerned citizens, and adjacent landowners and business owners throughout the study period.
Notice is further given to individuals with disabilities that this open house is being held in a physically accessible place. Any individuals with disabilities who will require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the open house should submit a request to the Department’s ADA Coordinator at 605-773-3540 or 1-800-877-1113 (Telecommunication Relay Services for the Deaf). Please request the accommodations no later than two business days prior to the meeting in order to ensure accommodations are available.
For more information, contact Tammy Williams, Special Projects Coordinator, at 605-295-7212 or
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