Second Construction Phase to Begin on U.S. Highway 212 in Watertown
For Immediate Release: Friday June 24, 2022
Contact: Bryce R. Olson PE, Engineer IV, 605-882-5166
WATERTOWN, S.D. –The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says the U.S. Highway 212 project will soon move into phase two of construction. The prime contractor, J & J Earthworks, plans to begin work just east of 11th Street E. to just east of 19th Street E. by Tuesday, June 28, 2022. This section of roadway will be completed one-half at a time, starting with the south side. During this initial work, two-way traffic will be maintained on the north side of Highway 212.
The first phase of the project, where the road is currently closed to traffic, continues with remaining paving work. Current project detours will stay in place until completion of the first phase. At that point, Highway 212 will be reopened to thru traffic west of 11th Street E. The anticipated completion of the first phase is four weeks. As sections of the roadway are completed, it will be reopened for business access from west to east.
Truck traffic is being advised to use the signed truck roads along the south connector route due to anticipated traffic volumes and narrowed lanes. All local traffic is being directed to the signed detour along 11th Street E., 4th Avenue S., and Highway 81 until the completion of phase one.
The $12.7 million project reconstructs approximately one mile of Highway 212 from U.S. Highway 81 through 19th Street E. The project includes city utility work, grading, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, PCC pavement, lighting, and signal upgrades.
The overall completion date for the Highway 212 project is Oct. 28, 2022.
For further information about the construction project, please go to the SDDOT website at
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