Shoulder Work To Begin on Interstate 90

For Immediate Release:  Friday, May 8, 2020
Contact:  Brenda Flottmeyer, 605.394.1638


RAPID CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says shoulder work will begin in the westbound lanes of Interstate 90 between Exit 40 (Tilford) and Exit 32 (Sturgis) on Monday, May 11.  

Work includes crack sealing, shoulder leveling, and chip sealing on the westbound shoulders. 

Traffic will be reduced to a single lane.    

The contractor expects work to be complete by May 29.  

The overall completion date of this project is Sept. 18, 2020.  

Tru-Form Construction of Rapid City is the prime contractor on this $831,000 project. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.


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