Traffic Changes Scheduled on Benson Road Diverging Diamond Interchange Project in Sioux Falls

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023

Contact: Steve Neumeister, Project Engineer, 605-367-5680


SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – On Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023, Lewis Avenue will be closed for crews to install utilities and perform grading work. Motorists will be detoured around the closure via Benson Road and Postdam Avenue and access will be maintained to businesses throughout the project. The closure will be in place through Friday, Sept. 8, 2023, after which, Lewis Avenue will be opened to traffic on a gravel surface.

In addition to the Lewis Avenue closure, the Interstate 229 southbound off-ramp will be closed at the Benson Road Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) project from Thursday, Sept. 7, through Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023. During the closure, crews will be performing utility, grading, and concrete surfacing work. While the closure is in place, I-229 off-ramp traffic will be detoured around the project via Interstate 90, Cliff Avenue, Rice Street, and I-229. Benson Road will remain open from Cliff Avenue to I-229 and access will be maintained to businesses throughout the project.

Motorists should be prepared for delays and use alternate routes during peak travel times in this area. Drivers are urged to use caution and reduce their speed while traveling through the area. Traffic control measures will continue to guide motorists around all closures. 

This work is part of a $34.3 million project that will reconstruct one and one-half miles of Benson Road and portions of the nearby I-229 ramps. Work includes construction of a diverging diamond interchange, structure work, grading, concrete surfacing, curb and gutter, storm sewer, lighting, signals, permanent signing, and pavement marking.

The prime contractor for this project is T&R Contracting of Sioux Falls. The overall completion date for this project is Friday, June 27, 2025. 

For more information about this project, please visit the SDDOT website at


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