Transportation Alternative (TA) Projects Awarded by South Dakota Transportation Commission
For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Contact: Julie Stevenson, 605-773-2898
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded ten Transportation Alternatives (TA) projects totaling $3.7 million for communities across the state. The TA program is a set aside federal grant program that provides funding from the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program to help states fund specific activities that enhance the intermodal transportation system and provide safe alternative transportation options.
“The TA program helps fund a variety of smaller-scale transportation projects, such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements like historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to stormwater and habitat connectivity,” says Transportation Secretary Joel Jundt.
2021 TA program awards for communities over 5,000 population:
Pierre: A 10-foot wide concrete shared-use path on Poplar Avenue along the causeway, connecting the existing Lewis and Clark Trail in Steamboat Park to the South Dakota State Park entrance at La Framboise Island. TA Funding: $364,715
Spearfish: A 10-foot wide asphalt shared-use path along McGuigan Road and Old Belle Road from Tumble Weed Trail to the south side of the reserve on Higgins Creek sub-division at Russell Street, connecting the trail at Tumble Weed Trail to the existing trail system in the development at Russell Street. TA Funding: $400,000
Brandon: A 10-foot wide concrete shared-use path along Redwood Boulevard from the existing sidewalk by Split Rock Creek to S Chestnut Boulevard and along S Chestnut Boulevard from E Redwood Boulevard to Oakhill Circle. TA Funding: $400,000
Sturgis: An eight-foot wide asphalt shared-use path along Lazelle Street from Apollo Place to the existing path on Moose Drive. TA Funding: $400,000
2021 TA program awards for communities under 5,000 population:
Wagner: A five-foot wide concrete sidewalk in Wagner along the north side of 2nd Street from Walnut Avenue to Front Avenue. TA Funding: $400,000
Canistota: A five-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the north side of Pine Street from 3rd Avenue to 7th Avenue, along the east side of 5th Avenue from Main Street to Pine Street, along 5th Avenue from Pine Street to the city park and pool, along the west side of 7th Avenue from the nursing home to Pine Street, and along the east side of 7th Avenue from Pine Street to Ash Street. TA Funding: $201,597
Dell Rapids: A 10-foot wide concrete shared-use path along the west side of 474th Avenue from W 10th Street to W 7th Street. TA Funding: $400,000
Wanblee: A 10-foot wide concrete shared-use path along S.D. Highway 44 from Wanblee Mart to the existing trail at Washabaugh Avenue. TA Funding: $400,000
LaPlant: An eight-foot wide concrete shared-use path along S.D. Highway 212 from the LaPlant convenience store to 1st Avenue. TA Funding: $400,000
Wakpala: A 10-foot wide asphalt shared-use path along S.D. Highway 1806P from Prairie Avenue to S.D. Highway 1806. TA Funding: $398,527
The Transportation Alternatives (TA) program is administered by the Office of Project Development. Each project may be funded for a maximum of $400,000, although the SDDOT may approve a larger amount for phased projects. The minimum award amount for infrastructure projects is $50,000, with no set minimum award amount for non‐infrastructure projects. There is an 18.05 percent local match requirement for each project.
Letters of Intent for FY2022 are due July 15, 2021, with applications due Oct. 1, 2021.
A full description of the Transportation Alternatives program is available on the SDDOT Transportation Alternatives Program webpage at
Requests for additional information about the TA program should be directed to Logan Gran, Transportation Alternatives Engineer, by phone at 605‐773‐4912 or by email at