Upcoming deadline (Monday, July 15, 2024) for 2025 Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program Funding

For Immediate Release:  Monday, May 6, 2024

Contact:  Logan Gran, Active Transportation Engineer, 605-773-4912

PIERRE, S.D. – Letters of intent are now being accepted for the Transportation Alternatives (TA) program through the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT). TA is a program that uses federal transportation funds, designated by Congress, for specific activities that enhance the inter-modal transportation system and provide safe alternative transportation options. TA encompasses a variety of smaller-scale non-motorized transportation projects such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, recreational trails, safe routes to school projects, community improvements such as historic preservation and vegetation management, and environmental mitigation related to storm water and habitat connectivity.

Approximately $8 million is available through a competitive project selection process administered by the SDDOT Project Development Office. Projects may be limited to $600,000 depending on annual funding allowance. The minimum for infrastructure projects will be $50,000. There is no minimum for non-infrastructure projects. The minimum local match requirement is 18.05%.

A full description of the TA program is available online on the SDDOT Transportation Alternatives webpage at https://dot.sd.gov/programs-services/programs/transportation-alternatives.

The submittal of a letter of intent form, found on the webpage,is a mandatory requirement to be eligible to submit a full application for funding. The deadline to submit letter of intent forms is Monday, July 15, 2024. This will be the only call for letters of intent for the 2025 Fiscal Year.

Requests for additional information, site visits and/or meetings on potential projects should be directed to Logan Gran, Active Transportation Engineer, at 605‐773‐4912 or via email at Logan.Gran@state.sd.us.

Following the receipt of the letters of intent, on‐site meetings with project sponsors will be scheduled prior to Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024. The deadline for full applications is Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024.

About SDDOT: The mission of the South Dakota Department of Transportation is to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

For the latest on road and weather conditions, road closures, construction work zones, commercial vehicle restrictions, and traffic incidents, please visit https://sd511.org or dial 511.

Read more about the innovative work of the SDDOT at https://dot.sd.gov.

