U.S. 212 Bridge Replacement Construction Scheduled to Begin Near Lantry

For Immediate Release:  Monday, April 3, 2023

Contact:  John Villbrandt, Mobridge Area Engineer, 605-845-3844

LANTRY, S.D. – Weather dependent, bridge construction work on the PFC Frederick Farlee Memorial Bridge is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 10, 2023, on U.S. Highway 212 approximately one mile west of the Lantry community. The bridge construction work began last fall with initial preparatory steps to relocate fences, salvage topsoil, and build bridge approaches. The existing bridge, built in 1954, is being replaced with a wider structure. The new structure will be located approximately 60 feet to the north of the existing bridge. The new bridge location allows construction to occur without having to close Highway 212 during construction.

Upon completion of the new bridge, roadwork on Highway 212 will then begin to connect to the structure. Traffic will not be affected by the initial phase of the construction work except for occasional deliveries of materials and equipment for the project.

The bridge construction is anticipated to be complete by July 2023.

The road construction work to connect Highway 212 to the new bridge will be completed by November 2023.

The prime contractor for the $8.4 million project is Midwest Contracting, LLC of Marshall, MN. The overall project completion date, including the previous bridge removal, is June 2024.

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