U.S. Highway 212 Work to Switch Lanes in Watertown

For Immediate Release:  Thursday, May 14, 2020
Contact:  Bryce R. Olson, 605-882-5166 


WATERTOWN, S.D. – Reede Construction will be switching to the westbound lanes to complete the remaining work on Highway 212 between Highway 20 and Highway 81 in Watertown on Monday, May 18. 

Remaining work will continue to be completed one-half at a time under two-way traffic on the recently completed south side of the roadway across the Big Sioux River Bridge.  

Work will take place on the north side of the highway while the remaining half of the temporary pavement at the Big Sioux River Bridge is removed to make way for the new approach panels and underdrain system at each end of the structure. 

Remaining sidewalk and permanent pavement marking will also be completed in the coming weeks with the intent to have all work completed by the beginning of July, depending on weather. 

Traffic is asked to slow down through the construction zone, be aware of suddenly slowing, merging or stopped traffic, as well as construction workers and equipment adjacent to the driving lanes. 

The $10.3 million project has reconstructed one mile of Highway 212 from Highway 20 to Highway 81 and included utility work, grading, storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalk, structure, concrete paving, lighting, and signal upgrades. 

The overall completion date for the project was set for Oct. 25, 2019. Significant weather delays and the high river levels on the Big Sioux River throughout 2019 have delayed completion of the project.  

For complete road construction information, visit https://safetravelusa.com/sd/ or call 5-1-1. 

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