Utility Work to Impact Traffic on U.S. Highway 14B in Pierre

For Immediate Release:  Friday, May 26, 2023

Contact:  Dean VanDeWiele, Pierre Area Engineer, 605-773-5294

PIERRE, S.D. –  On behalf of HEGG Construction Company, the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) is providing the following utility work information to the public for anticipated traffic impacts.

Beginning on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, utility work on U.S. Highway 14B (Sioux Avenue) in Pierre will require a two-way traffic configuration in the westbound lanes from Highland Avenue to west of Pawnee Avenue. 

Motorists approaching the work zone should be alert to potential long, single-file queues of traffic. Please be prepared to slow as needed when driving adjacent to the work zone. Overall, commuters can expect minimal delay during the utility project.

Sixteen foot lanes will be maintained throughout this short-term lane closure.

Pending cooperative weather, it is anticipated the utility work will be completed and the lane closure removed within three weeks.
