Work on Main Street in Hill City

HILL CITY, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation says a project on Main Street in Hill City is beginning today, Sept. 3. 

The project includes grading, curb and gutter, concrete surfacing, sidewalk, and concrete retaining wall with a handrail. 

The project limits are from Elm Street to McGregor Street and work will start in front of the Jon Crane Gallery and take about two-three weeks to complete. 

Both lanes of traffic will be open with a 12-foot width restriction and reduced parking in areas where work is taking place. 

Sidewalks will be removed, however access to all business will be available. 

The completion date for this project is early summer 2020.  

The prime contractor on this nearly $700,000 project is Complete Concrete, Inc. of Rapid City. 

For complete road construction information, visit or dial 511.


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