Ipswich - U.S. Highway 12

Project Complete

Project Summary:

Modify Intersection, Passing Lanes, Lighting, Approach Slab, Approach Pavement, and Guardrail. This project will be adding passing lanes and additional turn lanes to ease congestion and improve safety. The additional lighting and will also aid with safety. The project will start with the approach slab replacement on the structure 1 mile east of the SD 45 Junction.

Project Study Report

Project Timeline:

The project is scheduled to start April 18, 2022 
The contracted end date is October 29, 2022


Project Press Releases:

April 04, 2022

Project Photos:

November 2022:
(L to R: Completed turn lane and passing lane West of Aberdeen with lighting installed, Completed Passing lane East of Mina, Completed turn lane at SD 45 Jct. (craven corner) with lighting installed)


October 2022:
(LtoR: Axillary and Mainline Paving Near Ipswich, Completed turning Lane West of Mina with lighting)


September 2022:
(LtoR: Applying prime to passing lane between Aberdeen and Ipswich, Passing lane with prime applied)


August 2022:
(L to R: Subgrade Work Near Brown County Highway 12, Installing approach pipe Brown County Highway 12, Widened subgrade section at Brown Co. Hwy. 12)

July 2022:
(L to R: Laying Gravel for a passing lane, Installing approach pipe near Ipswich, Pouring a light pole footing near Mina)


June 2022:
(L to R: Aggregate Base Course, Bridge substrate, Fabric, Wet Conditions, Subgrade, Subgrade)

May 2022: 

Bridge Photos (April 2022)


Erosion Control Photo (April 2022)


Mill Operation Photos (April 2022)

Project Contract Amount:

Contract Amount: $13.2 Million

Project Contacts:

Consultant: Todd Goldsmith of KLJ, project contact (605) 845-3125

Contractor: Bituminous Paving of Odessa Minnesota (302)-273-2113

SDDOT: Robert Ward (605) 626-7885


PCN 06C7