Keystone - S.D. Highway 40 Sidewalk

Project Complete

Project Summary: 

This project will join the existing sidewalk with a new sidewalk and provide ADA-compliant ramps at all pedestrian crossings. The project is scheduled to begin on March 14 beginning at 3rd Street and progressing to the east at least to Mitchell Street on or before June 24th, 2022. No work will be allowed from June 24th to August 19th (inclusive). The remaining work to the eastern city limits will occur after August 19th. Access to all businesses and residences will be maintained throughout the life of the project. Traffic may be controlled by flaggers when adequate space is not available. Otherwise, two-way traffic will be maintained with reduced speeds.  

Location: SD 40 through the town of Keystone from 3rd Street to the eastern city limits.  

Project Press Releases:

August 16, 2022: KEYSTONE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) says crews will begin ADA curb, ramp, and sidewalk upgrades on S.D. Highway 40 starting Monday, Aug. 22, 2022. The project will begin on the west end of Keystone (Highway 40 portion) and run for one mile. Read the full release here.


Forming curb & gutter at Halley’s Store

Curb & gutter on the northwest corner of Blair Street and SD 40 intersection

Curb & gutter poured at the Rock Shed

May 2022: 

(LtoR: North of Mitchell Street in front of Halley’s Store, North of Halley’s Store, Just north of the Rock Shed)


June 2022: 

Completed retaining wall in front of Halley’s Store

Forming a retaining wall in front of Halley’s Store

Curb & gutter and drop inlet across from community center 

July 2022: 
(New ADA ramp at the intersection of 3rd and Reed Street, New ADA ramp and railing for Halley’s Store, New ADA ramp and sidewalk north side of SD 44 across from the Community Center)


August 2022: 


September 2022: 

Project Contract Amount:



Project Contacts:

Contractor: Complete Concrete, Inc.

SDDOT: Jay Noem, Project Manager 605.440.1220


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