Keystone Wye Bridge - U.S. Highway 16 and 16A

Project Complete

Project Summary:

The Keystone Wye timber arch bridge on Hwy 16 and 16A is going through an extensive renovation.  The concrete decks are being removed and replaced with a timber deck and asphalt overlay.  Additionally, the bridge beams will be treated to prevent rot and the concrete supports will be patched and sealed. Project benefits include extending the life of the existing bridge for another 50+ years.

Project Timeline: 

Project Start: August 16, 2021
Open to traffic on May 20, 2022
Final Completion June 24, 2022

Click on the image below to read the KOTA Article:


Project Photos: 


Finished Bridge Photos: 


Project Contract Amount:

$4.5 Million


Project Contacts: 

Contractor: Corr Construction: Jack Corr (605) 255-5456

SDDOT: Tim Wicks 605-673-4948

