Spearfish to Tilford - Interstate 90 Bridge Rehab

Project Complete

Project Summary: 

This project involves partially repainting steel girders and completing other minor structural repairs to 14 bridges between Spearfish ad Tilford. It also includes an emergency repair to the Exit 48 bridge in Summerset following a strike from an overheight vehicle. The benefits of the project include prolonging the structural capacity of our Interstate bridge assets.

Project Timeline: 

The contractor has started working at the farthest west bridges and plans to progress to the east along the interstate. They currently plan on being done working by the end of August and the overall completion date for the project is October 28, 2022.


Project Photos: 

September 2022:

(L to R: Primed section of girders at Exit 48, Completed painting over the westbound lanes at Exit 48, Completed painting over the eastbound lanes at Exit 48)  

August 2022:
(L to R: Primed section of girder over Whitewood Creek, Primer on sections of bridge over Whitewood Creek, Area to be blast cleaned, primed, and painted at Exit 23)


July 2022:

(Containment set up at Exit 23 overpass, Containment and partial paint finish at Exit 23 overpass)


(Finished painting at Exit 40 overpass)

Setting up containment at MP 30.48

Finished Paint

Area Requiring Heat Straightening for the Exit 48 repair

New Steel Girder Section in Place for the Exit 48 Repair

May 2022: 

(LtoR: Painting completed on Interstate bridges at MRM 7.02., After sandblasting and cleaning at MRM 10.08.)

Project Contract Amount:

$1.7 Million


Project Contacts:

Pacific Painting Co., Inc.
Peter Choros
8142 Calumet Avenue
Munster, IN 46321-1702 

Kevin Valko – 605-381-4035