White River - U.S. Highway 83 North to Murdo

Project Complete

Project Summary:

This much-anticipated project on US 83 from the City of White River north to Murdo 23.2 miles consists of the placement of new asphalt surfacing to complete the 3 years of previous reconstruction work of US 83.  Work should start in May and be completed by August of this year.  Traffic will be maintained throughout the project at all times.

A subproject within the overall paving project is a shared use path: US83 from City of White River South 2.3 miles to Horse Creek Community.

Project Timeline: 

Contract Completion Date: November 2022


Project Photos:

September 2022:

(L to R: Luminaires and shared use path south end, Luminaires and shared use path north end, Luminaires and shared use path middle of project)

August 2022:

Shared Use Path Overview: 


July 2022: 

June 2022:

(Dirt Subgrade)

(New grade for walking path and equipment)

(Gravel Placement for Walkpath)

Shared Used Path Grading Work: 


May 2022:
(LtoR: Shared use path grade and Contractor Furnished Borrow Site, Shared use path looking south, Shared use path looking north)


Project Contract Amount:

$16.2 Million
Shared Use Path: $3.4 Million

Project Contacts: 

ContractorBorder States Paving
Jim Rentz 701-237-4860

SDDOT: Mark Peppel 605-842-0810


PCN 04E8