Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)

Roads and bridges support much of our way of life in South Dakota. As the efficiency and condition of our highways and bridges continue to improve, so does our economy and our quality of life. At the South Dakota Department of Transportation, we call this “better lives through better transportation”. Asset management has played a key role in preserving and maintaining the state highway system we enjoy and rely on today.

Asset management of pavement and structures has been conducted by the department since the 1970’s and has continuously improved and evolved over the years. The Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) documents these current and historic processes and includes the required federal performance measures and targets. The plan is organized into chapters that describe:

  • Data collection practices
  • Current condition of pavements and structures
  • Processes of analyzing the data
  • Asset management objectives and condition goals
  • Identification of performance gaps
  • Mobility, reliability, and resilience analysis
  • Risk management analysis
  • Financial planning processes
  • Investment strategies
The plan not only represents the SDDOT’s response to requirements of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) laid out in 23 CFR Part 515 Asset Management Plans, but also articulates the department’s dedication to sound asset management principles and commitment of resources toward that end. The TAMP discusses how the plan’s strategies integrate with other departmental efforts to achieve the national goals identified in 23 USC 150(b) National Goals and Performance Management Measures and achieving the department’s mission “to efficiently provide a safe and effective public transportation system.

View the 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)